X-Men - When They Find Out You’re Pregnant (2024)

Logan Howlett (Wolverine)-

Logan is shocked when you finally tell him that you’re expecting. He is very much not prepared to have a family and honestly doesn’t really want to have one. He was a complete loner before you showed up in his life and even though he loves you with his entire being, he’s not prepared to have a family. He acts kind of cold and detached for a very long time, but eventually he get’s around. It doesn’t feel real to him until you actually start showing. And at that point his shock turns to horror, because now not only does he have to protect you, but he has to protect his own child now.

Charles Xavier (Professor X)-

Charles is over the moon with the idea of having a child. Especially since it’s with you, the one person he plans to spend the rest of his life with. He’s the kind of person who rubs your stomach and talks to the baby even though you won’t show signs of pregnancy for several more weeks. He probably picks you up and twirls you around and won’t shut up about how happy he is. And he doesn’t wait around to start announcing the excitement. He pulls you around to everyone in the school before eventually leaving you behind when you get tired and tells everyone he has ever known.

Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto)-

Erik has a very hard time when you first make the announcement. On the one hand he has had a child before and he loved her to the edge of the galaxy and back. On the other hand he had her ripped away from him and it destroyed him. So in one hand he craves having that feeling of unconditional love for someone that is partial his and on the other hand he’s terrified of having yet another thing he loves taken from him. In the moment he’s very quiet and doesn’t have much of a reaction at all. It isn’t until later that day that his excitement shows up. He has a complete adoration for you and your ability to actually carry his child. So after he thinks through some things he is a very happy man. He’s not going to let history repeat itself.

Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver)-

Peter runs away as soon as you tell him. There is no hesitation in his body when he runs and he runs far far away. He is far from ready to be a father in fact in many ways he considers himself a child. He has a very difficult time coming to terms with the fact that soon enough his DNA will be a part of another human being. He also has issues because he never had a father figure in his life. He convinces himself that he would be a terrible father because he doesn’t have any good examples. He will try to avoid you as much as possible for as long as possible. He knows it’s the worst possible way to behave in the situation but he can’t help it.

Alex Summers (Havok)-

Alex reacts immediately to the news. He engulfs you in his arms and gives you the biggest hug that has ever been given. He is so excited to be a dad! He has so much love to give and now he get’s to give it to a tiny human being that he will watch grow up. He won’t stop smiling for at least a week after you give him the news. And he rambles on and on about all the great things that he’s sure your baby will do and about how he’s going to be a great father he promises. However, along the way he starts to psych himself out when he realizes the responsibility that’s on his shoulders. He changes from being ecstatic to being very stressed about his baby. You have to have a long conversation with him, talking about all the reasons that the two of you will make sure that the baby has the best life possible. Over all though, Alex could not be more happy.

Scott Summers (Cyclops)-

(Not the Teen version)

“Ok” That is literally the first word that leaves his mouth when you tell him that you’re pregnant. He struggles to figure out exactly how he feels. In some ways it’s exciting to think that he’s going to be a father but in another way he’s not sure he’s ready for such a commitment. Either way he comes to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter if he’s ready or not. He is a father and that is all there is too it. So he quickly steps up to the plate. In fact, his determination is a little intimidating and overbearing? It takes him a while to find the balance between being nervous and being determined to do well. He’s also a little secretive about the pregnancy, but even he isn’t sure why. To him it feels like a very intimate part of his life and he doesn’t want anyone else in it.

X-Men - When They Find Out You’re Pregnant (2024)
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